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Fall 2004

This is a book which is consisted of compilation of works from my fellow classmates from a typography class taught by Joe Molloy.

Students in his class, including myself, were given certain historical movement of art as a topic, and assigned to conceive a typographic response. Along with the typographic resonse, students were also instructed to carefully design a book which contains all the works done by others in class.

For this book, I've decided to use a special Japanese paper since it gives a distinctive texture when anything is printed on to it. Also, I've sewn the stack of Japanese paper with a strong string which would give an organic feel to the book once it's bound. And lastly, in order to protect this organic feeling book, I've designed a cover that would be able to encapsulate the fagile book like a shell.

public showings

"UCLA Undergraduate Design Exhibition" Los Angeles, US, Winter 2005